The term music venue hire encompasses a variety of tasks that involve the promotion and hosting of music events. Musicians, band members, promoters, event organizers and publicist are just some of the people involved in music venue hire. Music venue hire encompasses organizing and holding rock bands concerts, jingles, wedding events and general music events. Music venue hire also covers renting, leasing, managing and setting up music venues, marquees and sound systems.

Arranging This Service

Live music venue hire is a service provided by a music promoter who organizes and manages rock bands concerts, jingles, weddings and other similar music events. A promoter may either be an individual or a business who sets up or holds concerts on one or several live music venues. Music venue promoters can be freelancers, promoters hired by an agency and others who work through an in-home agency. Freelancers play an important role as they personally promote the artists and bands, manage the infrastructure and promotions as well as acting as the account manager for all expenses incurred while putting together an event.


An independent music promoter works with artists and their representatives to book the venues, manage the audiences and organize the entire music show. Independent promoters are usually self-employed people, although some are also associated with music industry agencies. They work in close association with the artists or groups, offering invaluable contacts and information to help promote and market the concerts and events. They also help them advertise their careers, promote the artists and create promotional material such as posters, flyers, business cards and website and marketing materials.

Concert Promoters And Providers

Concert promoters are middlemen between artists and their agents. A concert promoter might act as a representative for both the artists and acts as an agent for the artists. They are normally hired by the music promoter who also acts as the booking agent. The concert promoters may act as promoters for just one show or they may manage numerous concerts at different venues. They might also be called upon by an artist or group to organize various activities such as media events, corporate events, charity shows and club events in addition to the music show itself.

A concert promoter can also be hired by a band or an artist and acts as the representative for the artist or group. Most of the time, they are called upon by the artist to promote their music concerts and events at local venues such as pubs, bars and clubs. The promoter’s job is to make sure that the DCMS (concert venue management company) has enough space and seating for all the audience invited for the concert. They also ensure that there is enough electricity, lighting, toilets and drinking water for all audience members.

Ultimately, finding a suitable concert venue for your event is on of the most important decisions that you can make in the lead up to it. Therefore you should take time to research the range of different venues on offer and their own unique benefits and notable locations.